Monogatari Watch Order: How to Watch the Monogatari Series in Order for Free

Wonder what is Monogatari watch order? Here is how to watch Monogatari even if you are starting to watch the series only now.

Monogatari is a series of light Japanese novels written by the novelist Nisio Isin. The novels, illustrated by Vofan are intotal 24 novels series, released since 2006.

monogatari watch order

The novels have been adapted into anime by SHAFT, and were an absolute hit. More episodes were released and the series continued to grow bigger and bigger and thus sorting out monogatari watch order has been daunting.

The Monogatari anime revolves around a central story as well as a number of short stories that feature different characters within the same universe. While, you can totally watch the Monogatari anime in chronological order, it is not actually the recommended Monogatari watch order.

Typically chronological order is suggested after you have read the light novels or you have already watched the anime series once and looking for a rewatch.

Well, the good news is that the recommended Monogatari watch order is same as the release order, but that has become more complicated with the release of the second season of Owarimonogatari since new fans may get confused and end up watching the series out of the suggested order.

Here is a summary different seasons, which are important to keep in mind when looking for the correct Monogatari watch order :

Season 1 : Bakemonogatari, Nisemonogatari, Nekomonogatari black and Kizumonogatari.

Season 2 : Nekomonogatari White, Kabukumonogatari, Hanamonogatari, Otorimonogatari, Onimonogatari and Koimonogatari.

Season Finale : Tsukimonogatari, Koyomimonogatari, Owarimongatari, Zoku Owarimonogatari.

What Order To Watch Monogatari

Typically, there are three orders to watch the Monogatari series, depending on your familiarity with the series and how you prefer to experience it. 

First-timers are recommended different monogatari watch order from those loyal to the novels and then there is an order for the ones who want to watch the series in the chronological order.

Monogatari Series Release Order

Is you are planning to watch Monogatari series for the first time, this order is for you. It was the most plausible order being that it was how the series was released and this is how most viewers have followed the story.

SHAFT intended this to be the order as it were released in the same order. However, the main flaw being that Kizumonogatari, which is the origin story, is not shown until later on as the finale.

This might leave some question unanswered for first-time viewers, but the other seasons and episodes do provide enough information to follow the story line.

In nutshell, this is the monogatari watch order in which most English viewers have enjoyed the series, as it was released as such.

First season:

Second season:

Final season:

Off season:

Monster season:

Monogatari Chronological Order

Monogatari is best enjoyed in chronological order, but only recommended for people looking to rewatch the series, or to watch it after reading the novels. 

Chronological order is recommended for loyal fans, who won’t get confused by missing information that has not been revealed yet. 

First-timers will definitely be a bit lost in this order, as there is some juggling between certain novels before finishing one at a time.

Nisio Isin Order

The final order is the one for the loyal fans of the light novels as this is the original release order of the light novels. 

Author Nisio Isin intended the novels to be read in this order and if you want to enjoy the stories as they were originally created to be enjoyed then this is the order to follow. 

First season :

Bakemonogatari (2006) – Stories of Mayoi Snail, Hitagi Crab, Nadeko Snake, Suruga Money and Tsubasa Cat.

Kizumonogatari (2008) – The prequel to the Monogatari series.

Nisemonogatari (2008-2009) – Stories of the Tsukihi Phoenix and the Karen Bee.

Nekomonogatari Black (2010) – The prequel story of the Tsubasa Family

Second Season :

Final season :